Schroeder Family

Schroeder Family
Camping 2010

Friday, March 27, 2009

Naptime in Mr. Rubber Duck

This was so funny because one day we laid Abigail down for a nap. She didn't want to go to sleep and she kept getting up. We had to get after her and make her lay down for her nap. Finally it got quiet in her room and we wondered if she finally fell asleep. So we went in her room and she had taken the blanket off of her bed and put them in Mr. Rubber Duck. She planned this out. Then she fell asleep in there for an hour or so. It was so funny!!! We tried not to laugh outloud because we didn't want to wake her up.

March 2009

Hello Everyone,
We are so excited that spring is here, well kindove. It was in the 60's last week and this week it is in the 20's. Cold!!! But it is good that we are getting the moisture.
Abigail is learning so much so fast. She makes us laugh all the time. She likes to suck her finger and twirl her hair. Well last week so got her hair in such a bad knot that we had to cut it out. So now when we put her hair in pig tails one is longer than the other. Oh well it will grow back.

Earlier this month we got to go to LaGrange, Wyoming to Frontier School of the Bible, where we graduated in 2006. We went to speak on behalf of camp. We were trying to recruit some counselors for the summer. We ended up getting several who were interested. We also were able to speak at LaGrange Bible Church, which we attended while living in LaGrange. It was nice to see so many friends and familiar faces. We are so thankful for all of our friends and teachers up there. God really used this time in our lives to help us grow closer to Him and to learn about Him and His Word. Frontier School of the Bible is very special to me; this is also where Brian and I met. We are so thankful that Frontier is dedicated to teaching God's Word and only God's Word to the students.

We are so very thankful that we have such a wonderful place to live. The Lord is always faithful to provide for our needs. It is a tough time right now in our country, but the Lord is in absolute control even though we may not understand it all. He is carrying out His plan and we need to trust Him. Proverbs 3:3-7 says,
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil."