Schroeder Family

Schroeder Family
Camping 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Schroeder Newsletter- Summer 2010

Schroeder News
Summer 2010

Dear Friends and Family,
We are excited that the summer is here again as we are able to see the Lord work in many different ways. We continue to stand in awe of why God would want to use us, and that He continues to work in our lives. Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.” It is amazing that if we choose to accept His wonderful gift of salvation, through trusting Jesus Christ as our Savior, than we are one of His children. John 1:12 says, “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God...”When we accept Him as our Savior, then His Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us and now we are declared righteous before God (just as if we had never sinned). What an amazing truth!!!!
Since our last newsletter we have been very busy at camp getting everything in order for the summer season. Brian has been painting, mowing, repairing various things, weed whacking, and much more. I have been helping clean the cabins, outhouses, and shower houses. We have 13 buildings, three shower houses and nine outhouses to clean. It is quite a job.
At the beginning of June we had our Men’s Work Retreat. We had four men and they were a big help. They repainted the inside of one of the girl’s cabins. It looks much better and we are thankful for their help. The speaker for the weekend was Kyle Kostreva from Grand Junction, Colorado. He is a Missionary with Master Plan Ministries, which is a college student ministry. He spoke on what fearing the Lord means and how it should affect our lives. It was a blessing to have him share God’s Word.
The end of June we had a retreat for the Pastors and their families of Monument View Bible Church in Fruita, Colorado. It was a time for them to have meetings and be refreshed by God’s Word, God’s creation and to spend time with family and brothers and sisters in Christ.
July 5th -10th we have our 3-4th grade week, July 12th-17th is 5-6th grade, July 19th-24th is 7-8th grade, and July 26th- July 31st. We are excited to see what the Lord is going to do in the lives of these young people. Brian will be busy leading the teenagers who volunteer to help, and also directing the Archery range. I will be helping in the kitchen a few hours a day, taking pictures, and whatever else I am able to do. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we go into another summer season. It is very exhausting physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But it is so amazing to see God at work and how He saves the lost and changes those who are His children. We get to see a lot of the same kids year to year and it is neat to see how they are growing physically and spiritually.

Josiah is six months old now and is almost 18 pounds. He has to grab everything he can, he is a busy boy!!! He is such a happy little guy. He is sitting up and rolling over from his stomach to his back.
Abigail will be three on July 24thand she has discovered that she really loves to go fishing. She just has a sinker on the end and plops it down into the water over and over. She loves it!!! She also is loving camp because of all the kids. Her latest thing is that she calls us honey and says that there are crocodiles in the outhouses.
At the beginning of August we have a rental group from Messiah Lutheran in Grand Junction, Colorado. Then in September we have Family Camp and Women’s Retreat. The women’s retreat speaker is going to be Ginger Millermon.

-We are excited that we have been given permission to start the new septic system for the bathhouse and all other future buildings that we may have (starting this in August, Lord willing).
-Josiah and Abigail are healthy
-A Motor home was given to us, which will be fun for family vacations.
-The Word of God, which is all we need for life
-Unity, strength and wisdom for staff and volunteers
-Wisdom and consistency as parents
-Our growth in Christ
_Salvation of campers/Growth in Christ for campers who have trusted Christ as Savior.

Thank You for your love, prayers, and financial support. We trust that the Lord is doing mighty things in your lives.

In Christ,
Brian, Tessa, Abigail, Josiah Schroeder