Schroeder Family

Schroeder Family
Camping 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Abigail and Josiah

Being a parent is so much fun. Lately Abigail has been doing the cutest things. She goes around with her stroller and puts different things in it and says, "Going to Church, and School." She means sunday school. Then one day I caught her holding Josiah's hand through the crib and she was praying with him. That was so cute. One night she didn't want to go to bed and I kept hearing her in her room. Finally I heard her say, "Read Bible." Oh, that just made my heart melt and I couldn't resist, so I went and read her Bible to her. She knew that would work and she could stay up longer. She is very smart. She also will grab one of my little Devotional Books and will sit and look at it. While she is looking at it she says, "Read God." It is amazing the different things that they pick up on and it is encouraging to know that she is learning about God and Jesus. When I was sick last week she came up to me and gave me a hug and said, "It's okay mom," and she gave me a kiss. She still does that once in awile and I love it!!! Kids are such a blessing from the Lord!!!

Josiah is growing so fast!! He is already about 11 pounds and is a little over a month onld. He was 7.5 pounds when he was born, he is getting chunky fast. It is so cute. Last week after we were at camp he got sick. He has RSV, which is very dangerous for little ones. He has had a cough and a stuffy nose. We took him to the doctor and they gave us some medicine for him that he breathes in and it helps him breathe better. Afterwards he coughs a lot because it is helping all the junk come out. Please be praying for him. If he gets worse he might have to go into the hospital. The Lord is in control and I have to remind myself of that. He is all-powerful and nothing is too difficult for Him.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Schroeder News- Winter 2009 and 2010

Schroeder News
Winter 2009-2010
We trust that everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world. It was a very restful day for us as we focused on the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. He did that for each and every one of us. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” There is nothing we can do to get to heaven accept for believing (trusting) that Jesus died for our sins and accepting that wonderful gift. It is the best gift we can ever receive. I am very thankful to know that I am going to be with my Savior after I die.
In December the Lord added a new member into our family. Josiah James Schroeder was born on December 16, 2009 and weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. Little Josiah James is such a blessing, and we are very thankful for the Lord’s protection through the pregnancy and delivery. We both are doing great!! Abigail is starting to adjust to having a brother and not being able to get all of the attention. She loves to help, what a good big sister.
The men go up to camp during the week to plow the roads in order to keep camp accessible all year round. We had a really big storm in the middle of December and we had about 25 inches of snow within a day or so. It was a big storm. Praise the Lord for providing the moisture.
We had winter camp for the teenagers on December 28-30th. There were about thirty or so kids. They had fun playing games, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, sledding, and playing snow football. The speaker was Lance Easterling, who is the Youth Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Parachute, Colorado. He focused on what a true relationship with Christ is like and what it is all about. This really challenged the kids to take their relationship with the Lord seriously.
During January and February we have three different rental camps. Then at the end of February we have Family Sled Day. This winter is a little busier regarding rental camps, which is great. Praise the Lord!!
Praises: 1.) Josiah was born 2.) Winter camp was a blessing 3.) The Lord’s provision for us personally and for camp 4.) Growth in Christ over the year 5.) Being able to see kids accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior
Prayer Requests: 1.) Bath house- need permits in order to start building
2.) Fulltime electricity into Camp 3.) God would lead those whom He desires to volunteer at camp.
4.) Salvation of future campers; Growth in Christ for those already saved
We wanted to thank each and every one of you who support us financially and prayerfully. We wouldn’t be able to be a part of this ministry if it weren’t for you. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry. The Lord is working in many different ways and we are thankful that we are able to see the fruit in people’s lives. We hope you are blessed by what is going on up at camp also.