Schroeder Family

Schroeder Family
Camping 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Schroeder News: Fall 2010

Schroeder News
Fall 2010

Dear Friends and Family,
It is that time of year again when the trees are so colorful and beautiful. I love the changing of the seasons and how God has designed everything to work together. He is the Creator and the Sustainer. Although the seasons have changed and our world is changing, our God never changes. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” God has also preserved the Bible, it never changes. Isaiah 40:8 says, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” That is so comforting to know that we can always trust Him and rely upon what He says in His Word.
We want to praise the Lord for getting the new septic system in at camp after six years of trying. We had to go through many hoops with the state in order to get the permit. We also want to thank the Lord for some very generous brothers in Christ who donated their time and equipment to make this possible. The new system is a large system that will accommodate our future bath house and all other future buildings. This project took about three weeks to accomplish. We are praising the Lord that He provided the permit, the help, the funds, and safety during this time. Please be praying
with us as we have to raise the funds for the Bath House.
This fall we were also very busy with camps going on. We had family camp, which was over Labor Day weekend. We had a great group. The speaker was Warren Cheek from Frontier School of the Bible. He did a wonderful job as he challenged us out of John 15-16 Then we had women’s retreat on September 17-19th. It was a group of about 40 women who came up. We enjoyed the fall leaves, played games, ate lots of food, and were challenged out of God’s Word. The speaker was Ginger Millermon, who is a very talented singer, and speaker. She ministers to women all over the country through music, her testimony, and through sharing God’s Word. The next two weekends we had two rental groups. It has been a very busy fall. The men are also preparing everything for the winter. They are also chipping brush, and cutting up trees that were in the way when the septic system went in. Our next event is winter camp, which is for teenagers, and is after Christmas. This winter we also have 3-4 rental groups in January and February.
Brian is a busy man working at camp, the butcher shop, around the ranch, with the kids at church, etc. I stay busy at home. The kids are growing so fast. Josiah just started to crawl and he is now 10 months old. He is such a happy boy!!! He
loves to play with his big sister. Abigail is a big girl now. Her favorite thing is to make bracelets and necklaces. She also loves to read, feed the chickens and get their eggs. It is so neat because she is starting to understand some things about who God is and different things that the Bible teaches.
Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers. We hope you are encouraged to hear what the Lord is doing at camp.

In Christ,
Brian, Tessa, Abigail, Josiah Schroeder

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Summer Pictures

Summer Pictures

Summer Highlights for the Schroeders

Dear Family and Friends,
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. We finished up our camps in July and then we had family camp and Ladies retreat coming up soon. We started our summer out by going camping on Grand Mesa. It was our first voyage with "The Beast." Our 1976 Motorhome. We were so excited and we had fun fishing with Abigail(it was her first time). We tried the whole worm thing, but she just liked plopping her line down in the water over and over. It was so cute. Then we went on a few walks, threw our hawk and knife, had s'mores (of course, what's camping without those?). Enjoyed eachothers company and being out in God's creation. It was a little chilly though. But our motorhome broke down (the alternator went out). Our friend was up fishing at the same lake we were at so he charged our battery and we were able to make it home. What an adventure.

We also were able to go to Utah to my grandma's movie theatre. It is a family tradition to go over Memorial weekend and sleep over in the theatre. We sleep in the aisles, the office, the film room, the lobby, where ever we can. We eat all the popcorn, candy, nachos, drinks we want. Watch movies all night if we want. It is a blast. Then we go to my grandpa's graveside in the morning for the memorial service. Many fun memories.

Our theme this year for High School week was Vikings. It was a blast dressing up and having some yummy food. The kids loved it. They never know what we are going to do each year.

We also had two kittens for the summer, but they have died. Abigail had the most fun with these kittens. Their names were Coyote and Bobcat and their last name was Bait. Abigail would dunk them in their water bowl (Baptizing them, Just kidding), she would swing them around, put them in her bike basket, read stories to them, all kinds of things. She was fun to watch with them. Our cabin at camp was very popular because of the kittens. They were spoiled.

Abigail turned three in July and we had a party with kids at camp. My parents came out to celebrate. It was a lot of fun. Abigail loved getting all of the presents. Now whenever she sees a present she thinks it is for her. She really loves crafty things now. Coloring, cutting, gluing, making necklaces and braclets. Although, one day she decided that it would be fun to stick a bead up her nose. We ended up having to go to the ER to get it removed. That was not fun!!! She also took on crash off the swings and hit her eye so in her birthday pictures she had a bruised eye.

Josiah is almost nine months now and is almost crawling. He gets around by wiggling around on his bum. It is so cute. He has learned how to get into the entertainment center and get the movies out. He can also pull himself up in his crib. He weighs twenty pounds already and loves chocolate.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Schroeder Newsletter- Summer 2010

Schroeder News
Summer 2010

Dear Friends and Family,
We are excited that the summer is here again as we are able to see the Lord work in many different ways. We continue to stand in awe of why God would want to use us, and that He continues to work in our lives. Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus.” It is amazing that if we choose to accept His wonderful gift of salvation, through trusting Jesus Christ as our Savior, than we are one of His children. John 1:12 says, “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God...”When we accept Him as our Savior, then His Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us and now we are declared righteous before God (just as if we had never sinned). What an amazing truth!!!!
Since our last newsletter we have been very busy at camp getting everything in order for the summer season. Brian has been painting, mowing, repairing various things, weed whacking, and much more. I have been helping clean the cabins, outhouses, and shower houses. We have 13 buildings, three shower houses and nine outhouses to clean. It is quite a job.
At the beginning of June we had our Men’s Work Retreat. We had four men and they were a big help. They repainted the inside of one of the girl’s cabins. It looks much better and we are thankful for their help. The speaker for the weekend was Kyle Kostreva from Grand Junction, Colorado. He is a Missionary with Master Plan Ministries, which is a college student ministry. He spoke on what fearing the Lord means and how it should affect our lives. It was a blessing to have him share God’s Word.
The end of June we had a retreat for the Pastors and their families of Monument View Bible Church in Fruita, Colorado. It was a time for them to have meetings and be refreshed by God’s Word, God’s creation and to spend time with family and brothers and sisters in Christ.
July 5th -10th we have our 3-4th grade week, July 12th-17th is 5-6th grade, July 19th-24th is 7-8th grade, and July 26th- July 31st. We are excited to see what the Lord is going to do in the lives of these young people. Brian will be busy leading the teenagers who volunteer to help, and also directing the Archery range. I will be helping in the kitchen a few hours a day, taking pictures, and whatever else I am able to do. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we go into another summer season. It is very exhausting physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But it is so amazing to see God at work and how He saves the lost and changes those who are His children. We get to see a lot of the same kids year to year and it is neat to see how they are growing physically and spiritually.

Josiah is six months old now and is almost 18 pounds. He has to grab everything he can, he is a busy boy!!! He is such a happy little guy. He is sitting up and rolling over from his stomach to his back.
Abigail will be three on July 24thand she has discovered that she really loves to go fishing. She just has a sinker on the end and plops it down into the water over and over. She loves it!!! She also is loving camp because of all the kids. Her latest thing is that she calls us honey and says that there are crocodiles in the outhouses.
At the beginning of August we have a rental group from Messiah Lutheran in Grand Junction, Colorado. Then in September we have Family Camp and Women’s Retreat. The women’s retreat speaker is going to be Ginger Millermon.

-We are excited that we have been given permission to start the new septic system for the bathhouse and all other future buildings that we may have (starting this in August, Lord willing).
-Josiah and Abigail are healthy
-A Motor home was given to us, which will be fun for family vacations.
-The Word of God, which is all we need for life
-Unity, strength and wisdom for staff and volunteers
-Wisdom and consistency as parents
-Our growth in Christ
_Salvation of campers/Growth in Christ for campers who have trusted Christ as Savior.

Thank You for your love, prayers, and financial support. We trust that the Lord is doing mighty things in your lives.

In Christ,
Brian, Tessa, Abigail, Josiah Schroeder

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pictures of Mommy and Josiah

More Fun Pictures -April 2010

Fun With Family

This past week my older sister, my nephew, and my mom came to visit for a few days. It was a lot of fun to have them. The weather was great, so we were able to take the kids outside to do a lot of fun stuff. We went to see our baby chicks (all 24 of them are still alive), which my nephew loved. We are excited to have chickens for all the fresh eggs, and it will be fun for Abigail to get the eggs with me everyday and to feed and water them. While they were here we also went on a walk, flew Abigail's new buzz lightyear kite (that was her first time doing that), the kids rode the tricycle (they were learning how to do it),we went to the park and played and had a picnic. We also were able to have some fun making homemade cards while all of the kids were asleep. I really enjoyed that because I don't usually have someone to do it with. We ended up taking my sister to camp to show her around because she had never been up there before. As we were driving up a big pine tree had fallen across the road so brian had to walk into camp and get a saw. He cut it down in no time and we were on our way. That's my mountain man!!!!! My sister and brother-in-law are professional photographers so she took over one hundred pictures of Josiah. We had fun trying different things and he was so cute. He was smiling and giggling at my mom most of the time. He is such a happy baby. The little trunk that you see in the pictures is something Brian made to hold all of his muzzleloading stuff. He did a great job on it and it was fun to use for this. We also used his leather for the background that he uses to made quivers. Then in some of the other pictures Josiah is laying on Brian's snowshoes. Josaih is only four months old now, but he is wearing some 18 month clothes. I can't believe that!!!
Abigail and my nephew had fun together, but it was challenging at times because they are learning to share and get along. But for the past two days after they left Abigail keeps saying that Aunt Tiffy went bye bye, Grandma went bye bye, and Cley went bye bye, and that they will come again to see me. This last trip she really became Aunt Tiffy's shadow. It was so cute!!!

Twin Peaks Bible Camp Promotional Video 2009

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Schroeder News- Spring 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

We are doing great and are praising God for who He is. He is so awesome! God is infinite, everywhere present, all- knowing, all-powerful, merciful, gracious, compassionate, sovereign, just, loving, and so much more. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Alpha Omega, Beginning and End, Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, Shepherd, Prince of Peace, The Rock, Healer, The Way, The truth and the life, etc. It has been such an encouragement to me to be reminded of who God is and to meditate upon what He has done for us.

In January we had several rental camps from different churches in Colorado. This was a blessing because we usually do not have many during the winter season. We were able to minister to them through cooking their meals, plowing, and having the cabins clean and warm. We trust that God used these camps to draw kids to Himself; regarding salvation and also growing in their personal relationship with Christ. This is why we do what we do at camp. We are merely vessels for Him, and we are able to see many lives changed because of what God is doing.

At the end of February we had Family Sled Day. There were about 30 people. We had fun enjoying the nice day with all of the new snow. It was wonderful to spend time with family and friends. The first weekend of March we were planning to have our Couples Retreat, but no one pre-registered so it was canceled. We pray that next year couples would have an interest to attend and we would be able to minister to them in a special way.

In May, we will start working up at camp more in order to get everything ready for the summer season. The men will be busy with the maintenance aspect and the women will be cleaning all of the buildings. It is a busy time, but exciting because we know the Lord is going to do some amazing things this summer. As of now, we have Men’s retreat during the first weekend in June and a church group renting camp during the last weekend. Then in July we will begin our four weeks of camp. We would greatly appreciate your prayers.

Abigail and Josiah are growing up so fast. Abigail has been learning how to be a big girl and use the potty. She also is our parrot now-a- days. It is hilarious!!! We wonder where she comes up with certain things, but later on we realize that it is from us. Oh boy, that teaches us many things about ourselves. She loves to read, play with our dog, eat chocolate, and visit the park and library. Josiah is going to be four months old on April 16th. He is about 15 or 16 pounds and is such a happy little guy. He always wakes up in the morning with a huge grin on his face. He started to giggle last month and that is adorable. Thank you Lord for these two little people in our lives.

*Josiah no longer has RSV
*That God chooses to use us in His work
*The Lord always provides
*We have the Bible to teach us all that we need to know in this life
*We have a place reserved for us in heaven; our names are written in the Book of Life
*A wonderful church family
*Safety and the ability to get everything prepared for the summer season of camp
*Salvation of campers and growth in Christ for those already saved
*For the Lord to lead those He would like to be counselors
*Unity among the staff
*Bath House: that we might be able to get the approval to go ahead and begin this project
*Wisdom as we raise Abigail and Josiah
*That we may grow in Christ day by day

Thank you so much for taking an interest in our lives and what is going on at camp. We hope to hear from each one of you.

In Christ,
The Schroeders

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Getting Better

At the end of January we all got sick and Josiah ended up getting RSV, but he is doing a lot better. He still has it but it is just taking awhile to get over. He is such a cutie!!! He is such a talker already. He smiles and coos a lot. I don't remember Abigail being like this. He is such a chunk too. He weighs about 11 or 12 pounds now and is two months old. It is funny because Abigail says Josiah is a chunky boy because that is what we say. She is a little parrot now days. It is amazing how much she is learning and so fast. Today we watched a video about dogs on the internet and after it was over she said, "thatwas stupid!!" We couldn't help but laugh because it surprised us. Her favorite place to go is church. Isn't that cute. She loves going to her sunday school class. She also loves to paint, make us food in her little toy kitchen, being pulled on the sled, and she likes to pester our dog.
Kids are so much fun!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Abigail and Josiah

Being a parent is so much fun. Lately Abigail has been doing the cutest things. She goes around with her stroller and puts different things in it and says, "Going to Church, and School." She means sunday school. Then one day I caught her holding Josiah's hand through the crib and she was praying with him. That was so cute. One night she didn't want to go to bed and I kept hearing her in her room. Finally I heard her say, "Read Bible." Oh, that just made my heart melt and I couldn't resist, so I went and read her Bible to her. She knew that would work and she could stay up longer. She is very smart. She also will grab one of my little Devotional Books and will sit and look at it. While she is looking at it she says, "Read God." It is amazing the different things that they pick up on and it is encouraging to know that she is learning about God and Jesus. When I was sick last week she came up to me and gave me a hug and said, "It's okay mom," and she gave me a kiss. She still does that once in awile and I love it!!! Kids are such a blessing from the Lord!!!

Josiah is growing so fast!! He is already about 11 pounds and is a little over a month onld. He was 7.5 pounds when he was born, he is getting chunky fast. It is so cute. Last week after we were at camp he got sick. He has RSV, which is very dangerous for little ones. He has had a cough and a stuffy nose. We took him to the doctor and they gave us some medicine for him that he breathes in and it helps him breathe better. Afterwards he coughs a lot because it is helping all the junk come out. Please be praying for him. If he gets worse he might have to go into the hospital. The Lord is in control and I have to remind myself of that. He is all-powerful and nothing is too difficult for Him.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Schroeder News- Winter 2009 and 2010

Schroeder News
Winter 2009-2010
We trust that everyone had a wonderful Christmas celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world. It was a very restful day for us as we focused on the true meaning of Christmas. Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. He did that for each and every one of us. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” There is nothing we can do to get to heaven accept for believing (trusting) that Jesus died for our sins and accepting that wonderful gift. It is the best gift we can ever receive. I am very thankful to know that I am going to be with my Savior after I die.
In December the Lord added a new member into our family. Josiah James Schroeder was born on December 16, 2009 and weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. Little Josiah James is such a blessing, and we are very thankful for the Lord’s protection through the pregnancy and delivery. We both are doing great!! Abigail is starting to adjust to having a brother and not being able to get all of the attention. She loves to help, what a good big sister.
The men go up to camp during the week to plow the roads in order to keep camp accessible all year round. We had a really big storm in the middle of December and we had about 25 inches of snow within a day or so. It was a big storm. Praise the Lord for providing the moisture.
We had winter camp for the teenagers on December 28-30th. There were about thirty or so kids. They had fun playing games, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, sledding, and playing snow football. The speaker was Lance Easterling, who is the Youth Pastor at Grace Bible Church in Parachute, Colorado. He focused on what a true relationship with Christ is like and what it is all about. This really challenged the kids to take their relationship with the Lord seriously.
During January and February we have three different rental camps. Then at the end of February we have Family Sled Day. This winter is a little busier regarding rental camps, which is great. Praise the Lord!!
Praises: 1.) Josiah was born 2.) Winter camp was a blessing 3.) The Lord’s provision for us personally and for camp 4.) Growth in Christ over the year 5.) Being able to see kids accept Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior
Prayer Requests: 1.) Bath house- need permits in order to start building
2.) Fulltime electricity into Camp 3.) God would lead those whom He desires to volunteer at camp.
4.) Salvation of future campers; Growth in Christ for those already saved
We wanted to thank each and every one of you who support us financially and prayerfully. We wouldn’t be able to be a part of this ministry if it weren’t for you. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry. The Lord is working in many different ways and we are thankful that we are able to see the fruit in people’s lives. We hope you are blessed by what is going on up at camp also.